
Showing posts from January, 2019

Thread 3

The Free Lunch Is Over Optimization the word that engineers from different disciplines like to hear. There is nothing more accelerating and frustrating at the same time, than having a working solution for a problem and someone come to you and say: "I would like this to be better". Is a challenge, trying to abstract the problem and thing of ways of making it "better". In programming this could be so many things, make the program faster, requires less space in memory, requires less petitions of IO. So many ways that a program can become better, yet as soon as I mentioned some of the solutions for a program to be better problems came out. A program cannot improve in every aspect without some fallback. Trying to make an algorithm faster can cause a larger utilization on resources. Less petitions to IO means that we require to save the information somewhere so we can consult it later. This is where knowing the type of problem we are presented and analyzing the proper ...

Thread 2

Silicon Valley is an interesting documentary about an essential component for the modern computers, the processor. An important subject about this documentary is the idea of specialization and focusing in one product  In this case was the transistor, now one of the reasons that the first company was successful was because they had an innovative product that was important by one of the largest sector. The government was extremely interested on the product therefore the number of petitions for the product was high. Therefore It was easy to keep people interested on the product. Yet this only product was not necessarily the best product for the public. The transistor is a revolutionary product  and the way they produced it was amazing , this was what gave them their edge in the market. Yet they needed to change to a product that the general public could use. Now a competitor was able to release an idea that could create the thing that would revolutionize the tech industry. Which ...

Thread 1

This is the first Post for the multithreading programming class, Hi my name is Arturo Velazquez and I am interested in all the things that are related to some kind of development. Right now I work for an American company called LendingClub as a front end developer. What I expect from this subject is to improve my skils in programming for C++. C++ is a language that i want to dominate and be fluent in with. I have different hobbies when I have time , like playing video games and miniatures.