Thread 11

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is an interesting novel that takes a closer look about several problems that technology can create in the near future. This especially focused on the idea of artifical intelligence and artifical life that are made by technology. This is interesting point of view on technology cause right of the bat we are introduced to a cop that it's only job is to search androids and make sure he can dispatch them. Yet he is faced with  a major problem and is determining which people are androids and who are truly humans. Tests can be performed on p[eople to determine this , and are quite helpful. At the end of the novel he starts to question what is consider alive and what isn't. The different interactions he has with some androids makes him cuestion which difference could be there on killing an android and human. Even if the law is on the favor of humans, yet he starts to questions if this is really a good deed. The way the they think and how they can form bonds with different people. This is curious cause Alan Turing the father of computation, already proposed a paper that analyzes if computers will be able to think by themselves. We even have being faced with this question with the different, techonlogies that have appeared. Watson, Siri , Amazoin Echo. This different assitants that are able to respond our different questions and even analyze our words sentneces, give them a context to give us a proper answer. Even google is creating an assistant so advanced that it could be able to reserve an appoinment with the dentists. This makes us wonder if this machines are able to think, and when we are able to improve them more and more and create a physical body to represent them. Would we still considered them as machines or as something else that could completely change our world.


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